January has been a very good month for the club with success in county competitions and at our annual bowls break.
World Bowls Championships
Of course, the icing in the cake was watching Jono Dalton, one of our outdoor members playing in the pre-liminary round of the World Bowls Championships at Potters, having qualified last year in the U.S.
Sadly he lost, but what an achievement just to be there and rub shoulders with the top 16 players in the world.
His qualification story was featured in the last Inside Bowls magazine which can be read by clicking below pdf's
Jono Dalton (Page 01).pdf
Jono Dalton (Page 02).pdf
County Success
Following on from being runners up in the mixed pairs knockout with Steve Maslen, Dan Butler joined Jo & Steve in the triples and again came runners up . Those 3 then added Colin Rose to the team to compete in the fours where again they finished runners. Well bowled all, champions next time?
Dan, Jo and Steve Dan, Colin, Jo and Steve
They will all now be attending the National Finals at Melton Mowbray in April – good luck to you all
Bowls Break Success
Every year, members of the club attend a bowls break at Warners in the Isle Of Wight. Over the years we have twice had teams that won as well as a number of runners up. This year saw another runners up spot, losing by just 1 shot. Nevertheless, they won 6 out of 6 matches and just lost by shot difference, well done Roz, Angela, Robin and Tony.
Tony, Roz, Robin and Angela
For more information, please contact club captain Tony Ludbrook on 07702 463198.